You probably already know that mammograms are important because they can detect cancer before even the tiniest lump can be felt.
You're at average risk of the disease if you have no personal history of breast cancer, no strong family history of the disease and no genetic mutation that increases your risk.
If you're at increased risk for breast cancer, you should ask your healthcare provider for personalized screening recommendations.
Watson Clinic recommends mammograms every year for all women aged 40 and over. If your provider determines a heightened risk for the disease, these mammograms may be recommended even earlier. There doesn’t need to be a cut-off age for mammograms. You can continue to receive regular mammograms no matter how old you are to maintain good health.
Follow these steps for a successful exam:
• Consider a health care facility that specializes in mammograms.
• As long as you like the care, stick with the same facility so your mammograms can be easily compared year over year.
• Avoid scheduling your screening the week before your period. Breasts are more likely to be tender at this time. The week after your period is the best time for less pain and clearer pictures.
• On the day of your mammogram, don't wear deodorant, powders, perfume or lotions under your arms or anywhere near your breasts. They could show up on the x-ray as white spots.
• Consider pants or a skirt and a top. It's easier to undress from the waist up.
• Tell the technologist performing the mammogram if you have breast implants or if you're breastfeeding.
If your mammogram leads to a follow-up call to schedule more tests, don't get anxious. Only 2 to 4 in 1,000 screening mammograms lead to a breast cancer diagnosis. If something is spotted, it could be dense breast tissue or a harmless cyst.