Family Medicine

How to prevent and treat UTIs

Do you have pain or burning when you urinate? If so, you may have a urinary tract infection UTI . Bladder infections are the most common type of UTI. They happen when bacteria from the skin or rectum gets into the urinary tract. Along with discomfort, cramps and frequent urination, you may have pink urine, caused by blood from the infection. Prompt treatment is important. If the infection spreads, it can cause a kidney infection, which is much more serious. Fever, back pain, nausea or vomiting a...

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4/19/2023 2:14:00 PM Comments(0)

Coping with the Common Cold

When it comes to colds, there is a lot of information out there about how you get them and how to treat them—and not all of it is correct. Perhaps it's because the symptoms can be so miserable, from a sore throat to postnasal drip. There's no cure for the common cold, but certain things do help ease the annoying symptoms. Here's a rundown of what does and doesn't work for avoiding and treating colds. How do you catch a cold? There are more than 200 viruses that can cause a cold. These viru...

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9/20/2022 1:32:00 PM Comments(0)

How to Prevent Falls

It's pretty common to see a toddler take a tumble, get up and toddle on, no worse for wear. But as we get older, falls can be a serious health risk. One out of every four older people fall each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC . Falls, and the injuries they cause can severely limit a person's independence. In fact, falls are the main cause of injury deaths among older adults. You should consider the following in order to reduce these hazards and maintain your...

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9/8/2020 10:26:00 AM Comments(0)

Older adults: Stay connected during the pandemic

Social distancing can be especially hard on older adults, who are already at risk for isolation. So it's important for you to stay connected with others during this time. Here are six steps you can take to do that: Gather contact information for friends and family. That includes phone numbers, email addresses and physical addresses. Track down their accounts on social media, too, and follow them. Update your devices if needed. If your computer, phone or tablet is slow or out of date, this might ...

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6/22/2020 3:43:00 PM Comments(0)

Six Steps to Control Your Blood Pressure

A routine doctor’s appointment often involves a health professional checking your blood pressure. The screening is not painful or stressful and typically takes less than a minute to measure. However, the results of this simple test may identify a condition that, when managed, could help reduce your chances for stroke or heart attack. High blood pressure, often referred to as the silent killer, does not have any symptoms, but can cause serious damage to arteries, leading to heart disease an...

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5/1/2020 3:58:00 PM Comments(0)

Metabolic syndrome: Learn the facts

Perhaps you've heard the term metabolic syndrome but have no idea what it means or why it even matters. The following Q & A will help you understand the syndrome and why it's crucial to know if you or a loved one are at risk for it. Q. What is metabolic syndrome? A. About 23% of U.S. adults have metabolic syndrome. It is a cluster of health conditions that often occur together and raise the risk for serious problems such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes and stroke. To be diagnosed with meta...

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10/30/2019 10:37:00 AM Comments(0)

Men: Take control of your health

If you're like a lot of men, you may pay less attention to your own health than to other important matters, like your job, home and family. But you deserve good health—and a good, long life. And isn't it time you did something about that? To start to prioritize your health, you need a primary care provider PCP , such as a family physician or an internist, that you trust. You might ask your friends for recommendations. Whether you feel more comfortable with a male or a female provider is to...

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5/23/2019 1:41:00 PM Comments(0)

Understanding Head and Neck Cancers

According to the American Cancer Society, close to 67,000 people in the United States are expected to develop head and neck cancer this year alone. Nearly 15,000 deaths are estimated. Head and neck cancers can occur in the oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, sinus cavity, salivary glands and other areas in the head and neck region. 85% of these cancers are linked to tobacco use. Stopping tobacco use and curbing alcohol consumption are the two most important measures you can take to protect yourself fr...

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3/21/2019 2:00:00 PM Comments(0)

Achy legs? It could be PAD

Do your legs cramp, particularly when you walk or exercise? Does that pain go away when you rest? Unexplained leg pain like this is the most common symptom of peripheral artery disease PAD . It's a circulatory problem in which arteries clogged with plaque reduce blood flow to your extremities, usually your legs. More than 8.5 million US adults 40 and older have PAD, but many don't know it. Other possible signs and symptoms of the disease include: • Slow-healing sores on your toes, feet or ...

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2/22/2019 11:26:00 AM Comments(0)

Some must-do screenings and self-exams

There's no denying how popular DIY projects are today. We love to roll up our sleeves and get it done, but what about health screenings that can alert us to possible health problems? Can we tackle some of those ourselves too? You'll need a doctor for most screening tests and exams, of course. Although you can do some checks yourself, often with a doctor's input or recommendation. Examples of both are below. Keep in mind, these are generalized guidelines. You may need screenings earlier, more oft...

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1/23/2018 3:11:00 PM Comments(0)

Common facts about the common cold

We’ve all experienced the aggravations of the common cold: the stuffy nose, the sore throat and the pestering cough. Here are some characteristics of a cold that you should consider: Over-the-counter cold medicines can’t get rid of your cold faster, but they may be able to ease its symptoms. These same over-the-counter cold medicines should not be given to children under the age of 6. A cold will typically last anywhere from 7 to 10 days. If you have a weakened immune system or lung ...

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9/26/2017 2:39:00 PM Comments(0)

Take the “Maintain, Don’t Gain” Challenge This Holiday Season

To help Florida families across the state enjoy a happy and healthy holiday season, the Florida Department of Health is partnering with North Carolina State University to offer the Maintain, Don’t Gain! Holiday Challenge for the third year in a row. This free seven-week challenge runs from Nov. 14 through Dec. 31 and provides participants with tips, tricks and ideas to help maintain their weight throughout the holiday season. The Maintain, Don’t Gain! Holiday Challenge is a great way...

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11/17/2016 2:33:00 PM Comments(0)

When to Talk to Your Loved One About Assisted Living

Your mom still lives in the house where you grew up. It's filled with memories of family and friends. You know your mom loves that house. But today she said something you've never heard her say before: "Sometimes I feel like this house is too much for me." Maybe it's time to talk to your mom about moving to an assisted living facility. Assisted living facilities are like apartments for older people who are having some difficulty living on their own—but who don't need the intensive ...

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11/17/2016 2:31:00 PM Comments(0)

Test Your Cholesterol Smarts

It's National Cholesterol Education Month. Do you know what you should about cholesterol—how to keep it at a healthy level to help prevent heart disease? These 5 must-know facts about cholesterol can help you get started. 1. Your body needs cholesterol. This waxy substance is found in every cell in the body and aids in many vital functions, including digestion, hormone and vitamin D production. Cholesterol can cause problems when your body has too much of it, though. It can build up in art...

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9/28/2016 10:25:00 AM Comments(1)

Heat Related Illness: Prevention and Treatment

During extremely hot and humid weather, your body's ability to cool itself is challenged. When the body heats too rapidly to cool itself properly, or when too much fluid or salt is lost through dehydration or sweating, body temperature rises and you or someone you care about may experience a heat-related illness. It is important to know the symptoms of excessive heat exposure and the appropriate responses. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides a list of warning signs and sympto...

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7/19/2016 11:18:00 AM Comments(1)

10 Ways to Add More Joy to Your Life

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow once wrote, "Into each life some rain must fall." If you sometimes feel like your life is one downpour after another, it's time to find some joy. And it's easier than you might think. Being joyful has the power to help you bounce back from stressful events, solve problems, think flexibly and even fend off diseases. So without further ado, here are 10 simple ways to make your days brighter: 1. Do something you loved as a kid. Sing silly songs, splash in puddles or see h...

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7/19/2016 11:13:00 AM Comments(0)

Making a Family Plan for Better Health

Board games, movie nights and vacations—lots of things are better as a family. And that includes getting and staying healthy. So, moms and dads, get the whole family involved in moving more and eating right. If that sounds great in theory, but you're not sure how to make better health a family affair, here's a five-step plan: 1. Make family time active time. Bike to the library together or explore a nearby park. Encourage everybody to train for a charity walk or run. Is somebody's birthday...

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6/23/2016 12:44:00 PM Comments(0)

Four Tips for Stopping Mosquito Bites

We've all had those itchy red welts that tell us one pesky mosquito—or even 10—got the better of us. Usually, we don't worry too much about the little bumps that go away after a day or two. But mosquitoes can carry germs, like the West Nile virus, that may make us sick. West Nile tends to be a yearly threat in the U.S., especially during the summer. Although most people infected with the virus have no symptoms or only relatively mild ones—such as fever, headache or nausea—...

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6/23/2016 12:43:00 PM Comments(0)

How to Stress Less

There are a variety of factors which contribute to high blood pressure – smoking, being overweight, lack of physical activity and maintaining a diet high in sodium among them. But one of the major culprits is stress. As uncontrolled high blood pressure can have destructive effects on your health, and lead to conditions like stroke and heart disease, it’s important that you keep track of your numbers and curb your risk factors. Here are some tips that will help you gain control over s...

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5/23/2016 3:49:00 PM Comments(0)

How Much Exercise is Enough?

You should aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity- like brisk walking or tennis- every week. And do muscle-strengthening activities, such as lifting weights or using resistance bands, on two or more days a week. Any movement beats sitting still, but you will gain the most health benefits if you exercise regularly. Staying active could help lift your spirits, trim your waist and lower your risk of: • Heart disease. • Stroke. • Type 2 diabetes. • Some can...

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5/3/2016 11:03:00 AM Comments(0)

Fitness Inspiration from Competitive Sports

Looking for ways to add more fun to your fitness routine? Turn your eyes to the beloved sporting events you watch on TV. Kickboxing is a popular fitness trend. This feisty whole-body workout blends aerobics with boxing- and martial arts-based jabs and kicks. Walk a marathon-at your pace. Maybe you're not ready to run a real marathon. But don't let that stop you from crossing the finish line like the athletes in track-and-field events. Make it your goal to walk 26.2 miles the length of a marathon...

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5/3/2016 11:01:00 AM Comments(0)

Exercises for You and Your Dog

Are dog owners typically more physically fit than non-owners? Consider the results of this 2011 study from researchers at Michigan State University. They determined that on average, half of dog owners achieve the recommended 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise on a daily basis. This constitutes a significant improvement over the study subjects who don’t own dogs. This study and several others have found irrefutable connections between dog ownership and the amount of exercise you un...

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5/3/2016 10:59:00 AM Comments(0)

Gum Disease: A Snapshot of Your Health

If you want to take a gander at the part of your body with the biggest assortment of bacteria, go to the mirror and open your mouth. It may be unappetizing, but it's true. Your mouth is a cornucopia of germs. And those germs can trigger gum disease—which may affect more than just your oral health. Periodontitis is the medical term for serious gum disease. The buildup of bacteria and inflammation that comes with it can lead to tooth loss and bloody gums. But the problems associated with per...

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3/22/2016 2:51:00 PM Comments(0)

Four Medication Mistakes to Avoid

Are you doing the right things to make your medicines work for you? The medicines your doctor prescribes are meant to improve your health, but you could be making risky mistakes without even realizing it. Here are four potential pitfalls you want to avoid: 1. You fail to speak up. Did your doctor say to take your medicine before-or after-meals? Don't guess when it comes to your medicine. A wrong choice could make a drug less effective or cause serious problems. Always ask your doctor or pharmaci...

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3/22/2016 2:37:00 PM Comments(0)

Four Tips for Long-Distance Caregiving

You live many miles away from an increasingly frail or ill loved one. And you wonder: How can I help from such a distance? Caregiving is a challenge under the best of circumstances. It's even more so when you're not close by. Still, there are ways to help watch out for your loved one's well-being from afar. Here are four key ones: 1. Reach out to people who live near your loved one. With your loved one's OK, put together a list of people who can be your eyes and ears in your absence. They can le...

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12/10/2015 11:21:00 AM Comments(0)

Sharing Your Family Health History

Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to connect with family, eat great food and give thanks. It's also a good time to listen closely to your relatives' stories about their health-Uncle Joe's blood sugar woes are more important than you may think. Families often share genes, environment and lifestyles that can influence health. If someone in your family has a disease such as diabetes, stroke or cancer, you may be at risk for it too. Knowing what types of health problems run in your family is essentia...

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11/23/2015 2:22:00 PM Comments(0)