Infectious Diseases

Protect Yourself from Mosquito Bites & Malaria

Florida has seen a rise in malaria rates in recent weeks. Malaria is a mosquito-borne disease that can cause symptoms like extreme sickness, fever, chills, nausea, body aches and headache. Malaria is spread by mosquito bites, and not from person-to-person contact. Watson Clinic encourages everyone to protect themselves by remaining vigilant against mosquito bites. Here are some steps you can take to avoid interactions with mosquitos: Spray yourself with mosquito repellent when necessary. Cover y...

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7/28/2023 3:06:00 PM Comments(0)

Monkeypox risk factors, symptoms, testing & vaccinations

The monkeypox virus is an infection that has afflicted an increasing number of Americans in recent months. Despite the rise in cases, monkeypox is still considered relatively rare. The symptoms of monkeypox are similar yet often milder to those experienced with smallpox. Monkeypox is rarely fatal, and usually lasts for 2 to 4 weeks. Symptoms may include any or all of the following: Fever Headache Muscle aches Back pain Swollen lymph nodes Chills Fatigue A rash that may resemble pimples or bliste...

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9/6/2022 3:24:00 PM Comments(0)

Zika: What You Should Know

With reports of the Zika virus on the rise, many people—particularly pregnant women—are becoming concerned. Here are five key things you should know about Zika: 1. It spreads mainly through certain mosquitoes . Most people become infected with the virus after they are bitten by an infected Aedes mosquito. This type of mosquito does live in many areas of the U.S. People have also gotten Zika through sex, and pregnant women can pass it to their babies. 2. Not everyone with Zika has sym...

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9/28/2016 10:35:00 AM Comments(0)

Hepatitis C: Get the Facts

Hepatitis C is a virus that can damage the liver. Here's what you need to know about this infection, and how new treatments may hold a cure. Hepatitis C begins as an acute infection and causes inflammation in the liver. In some people, it may last just a few weeks before the body fights it off. However, in up to 85 percent of people with acute hepatitis, the illness becomes chronic. That means the virus remains in the body and can last a lifetime. Over time, and if left untreated, this may...

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8/18/2016 4:58:00 PM Comments(0)