5 Ways to Avoid a Return Trip to the Hospital

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Having to stay in the hospital is probably not your idea of a good time. And when you're discharged, chances are you don't want to return. It's nice to have skilled, compassionate care you can depend on when you need it. But staying healthy—and avoiding a return trip to the hospital—is everyone's preference, and it's what we want for you too.

Unfortunately, a significant percentage of people discharged from hospitals nationwide are readmitted within 30 days. Reducing readmission rates is important. But it's one that we need your help to achieve.

Here are steps you can take to diminish your chances of being readmitted into the hospital::

1. Make sure you understand your condition. Ask: What you should do to help yourself get better. What—if any—limitations you now have. What potential problems you should watch for. What to do if problems occur.

If you'll be handling certain medical tasks on your own or with the help of a family caregiver—things like changing a dressing, for instance—ask a member of the hospital staff to go over the procedure with you until you're comfortable with it.

2. Review your medications. Ask if you should continue taking everything you were taking before you were admitted and if any new medications have been prescribed. If you do need to take some new ones, be sure you know when and how to take them, how much to take, and for how long. Also be sure you understand why you're taking the new medicines.

It's a good idea to keep a list of all your medications. That list—or other tools ranging from simple pillboxes to more high-tech gadgets—can help ensure you take your medicines correctly.

3. Keep your medical appointments. Often follow-up tests or doctor visits are scheduled before you leave the hospital. It's essential that you keep them. They're necessary for monitoring your progress and keeping you well.

4. Speak up if you need help. Can you bathe and dress yourself and cook your meals? If you have concerns about your ability to handle these and other tasks, don't hesitate to say so. We can arrange to get you some help.

If you're worried about things like paying for your medications or getting transportation to your doctor visits, mention that as well.

5. Get a name and number. You may have questions or concerns after leaving the hospital. Be sure you're clear about whom to call for answers.

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