September, 2016

Zika: What You Should Know

With reports of the Zika virus on the rise, many people—particularly pregnant women—are becoming concerned. Here are five key things you should know about Zika: 1. It spreads mainly through certain mosquitoes . Most people become infected with the virus after they are bitten by an infected Aedes mosquito. This type of mosquito does live in many areas of the U.S. People have also gotten Zika through sex, and pregnant women can pass it to their babies. 2. Not everyone with Zika has sym...

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9/28/2016 10:35:00 AM Comments(0)

Test Your Cholesterol Smarts

It's National Cholesterol Education Month. Do you know what you should about cholesterol—how to keep it at a healthy level to help prevent heart disease? These 5 must-know facts about cholesterol can help you get started. 1. Your body needs cholesterol. This waxy substance is found in every cell in the body and aids in many vital functions, including digestion, hormone and vitamin D production. Cholesterol can cause problems when your body has too much of it, though. It can build up in art...

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9/28/2016 10:25:00 AM Comments(1)