December, 2021

Be wary of bogus weight loss claims

Losing weight is rarely fast and easy. So it may be tempting to try a product or diet that promises to make the process go quickly or claims you won't have to change how you eat or exercise. Unfortunately, there are no magical solutions to safe and permanent weight loss. Real success means healthy, long-term lifestyle changes to diet and exercise habits. But with so many advertisers and scammers claiming these extraordinary weight-loss results, how can you sort out fact from fake? Sc...

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12/9/2021 4:40:00 PM Comments(2)

Your Guide to Gallstones

Here are two basic things you need to know about gallstones: They are painfully common—and commonly painful. Nearly 1 million people in the U.S. every year learn they have gallstones. And about a quarter of them will need to have some sort of treatment, usually surgery to remove their gallbladder. So what exactly are gallstones and why can they sometimes be so painful? The trouble with stones Gallstones are hard, abnormal masses that form in the gallbladder—a small, saclike structure...

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12/9/2021 3:39:00 PM Comments(0)