August, 2022

The importance of sleep

Are you getting enough sleep every night? Chances are the answer is no. Many of us don't get the sleep that we need, and that is a problem. Sleep is essential to our health, and a lack of sleep can hurt us. The average adult should sleep seven to eight hours per night. Not getting enough sleep has been linked to diabetes, heart disease, obesity and depression. Research suggests improving the amount and quality of our sleep can help decrease our risk for these and other serious health problems. T...

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8/23/2022 9:45:00 AM Comments(0)

9 reasons why breastfeeding is great for your baby and you

You've heard it before: Breastfeeding offers the best food for babies. But did you know that breastfeeding has health benefits for moms too? If you decide to breastfeed your baby—and the choice is up to you—you may want to know more about the benefits for both of you. But first, it's also important to know the current breastfeeding recommendations. The American Academy of Pediatrics advises that you: • Feed your baby only breastmilk for six months. • Keep breastfeeding un...

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8/23/2022 9:37:00 AM Comments(0)

Could you be at increased risk of developing ovarian cancer?

Breast cancer news stories are common, but few stories discuss its deadlier cousin, ovarian cancer. What do you know about ovarian cancer? What do you need to know? What is ovarian cancer? Ovarian cancer can involve the ovaries or related areas of the fallopian tubes or peritoneum—the membrane that lines abdominal organs. One in 78 women will get ovarian cancer, compared with 1 in 8 for breast cancer. Although it is much less common than breast cancer, ovarian cancer has a much higher mort...

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8/23/2022 9:33:00 AM Comments(0)

Clinic Awarded Elite Gold Status by EPIC

Here’s an accomplishment that’s nothing short of Epic! For the second year in a row, Watson Clinic has been recognized as one of the nation’s leaders in our use of the Epic Electronic Health Record system. Epic presented us with a perfect ‘Gold Stars level 10 ranking’ after reviewing our comprehensive utilization of the system. The official public announcement was made during their annual Users Group Meeting held on August 22 nd at their campus in Verona, Wisc...

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8/23/2022 9:27:00 AM Comments(0)