Chronic Migraines

For those suffering from constant and continuous migraines, there are many new options available through the Neurology department.
Experts from the department are using BOTOX®, the popular cosmetic injectable, as a treatment option for chronic migraines. Typically administered once every three months over a 15-month period, Botox injections work to relieve the common symptoms of chronic migraine, including sensitivity to light and nausea. Injections are made at the bridge of the nose, forehead, temples, neck and upper back. Candidates are those who experience more than 15 migraine headaches a month, and do not find relief from prescription medications.
BOTOX® has proven much more versatile in its medical applications than commonly believed. In addition to the traditional employment of BOTOX® for cosmetic rejuvenation through the facial plastic surgery and plastic surgery departments, it is also used by Watson Clinic gynecologists and urologists to treat bladder control issues.